Edith Young 2021
Color Scheme: An Irreverent History of Art and Pop Culture in Color Palettes
Color Scheme: An Irreverent History of Art and Pop Culture in Color Palettes
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Více informací o produktu
Autor: Edith Young
Nakladatelství: Princeton Architectural Press
Jazyk: English
Rok vydání: 2021
Change the way you see color forever in this dazzling collection of color palettes spanning across art history and pop culture, and told in writer and photographer Edith Young's accessible, inviting style.
From the shades of pink in the blush of Madame de Pompadour's cheeks to Prince's concert costumes, Color Scheme decodes the often overlooked color concepts that can be found in art history and visual culture. Edith Young's forty color palettes and accompanying essays reveal the systems of color that underpin everything we see, allowing original and at times, even humorous, themes to emerge. Color Scheme is the perfect book for anyone interested in learning more about, or rethinking, how we see the world around us.