The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel - 40th Anniversary Edition
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel - 40th Anniversary Edition
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Více informací o produktu
Autor: Rainer Willmann, Julia Voss
Nakladatelství: Taschen
Jazyk: anglicky
Rok vydání: 2021
Discover Ernst Haeckel, the 19th-century artist-biologist who found beauty in even the most unlikely of creatures. This collection features 300 prints from his most important publications, including the majestic Kunstformen der Natur and his extensive catalogues of marine life. As biodiversity is ever-more threatened, these exquisite images are a scientific, artistic, and environmental masterwork.
Ernst Haeckel, the 19th-century pioneer who captured the artistic beauty of the natural world Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German-born biologist, naturalist, evolutionist, artist, philosopher, and doctor who spent his life researching flora and fauna from the highest mountaintops to the deepest ocean. A vociferous supporter and developer of Darwin’s theories of evolution, he denounced religious dogma, authored philosophical treatises, gained a doctorate in zoology, and coined scientific terms which have passed into common usage, including ecology, phylum, and stem cell.
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