Atlas of lighthouses at the end of the world
Atlas of lighthouses at the end of the world
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Author: José Luis González Macías
Publisher: 65th field
Language: Czech
Release year: 2022
Atlas of lighthouses at the end of the world - the name of which refers to the verne book The Lighthouse at the End of the World - is a collection of thirty-four stories based on real events and accompanied by impressive illustrations, nautical charts, architectural sketches and curiosities connected with lighthouses in the most remote corners of the world. This is not a geography textbook, but a passport for romantic travelers.
A blind keeper guards the light in the far icy north, a brave girl rescues several castaways, the construction of a lighthouse by the antipodes leads to the extinction of a bird species, a terrifying ghost inside the lighthouse writes at night on a typewriter, an eccentric merchant erects an incredible tower on the open sea, two feuding lighthouse keepers they live together on an island and suffer from claustrophobia. In wondrous stories steeped in loneliness, madness, courage and joy, lighthouses in the farthest reaches intertwine with the lives of Edgar Allan Poe, Virginia Woolf and Nelson Mandela.